When that ice cream craving hits, there is absolutely nothing else that can satisfy. Anyone who has ever made a midnight grocery store run for a pint of chunky monkey can testify. The good news is, it's incredibly easy to learn how to make ice cream in a blender.
Whether you go crazy for chocolate or just keep things classic with vanilla, using your blender to whip up a tasty treat is a fast way to satisfy even the sweetest tooth. Even better, it's fun and affordable.
Without delay, gather your supplies, ready your freezer, and let's get started!

Making Blender Ice Cream
Ice cream is a delicious, frozen dessert. There are many types of ingredients that can be combined to make ice cream, but standard ingredients typically include heavy cream or milk, fruit or flavoring, ice, and sweetener.
To illustrate our blender ice cream method, we will be preparing a basic vanilla ice cream inspired by The Roasted Root. From here, you can add any toppings, mix-ins, or fruit that you like. The possibilities are endless! If you are craving something other than vanilla, feel free to branch out with a new recipe. We've got a full list of the best blender ice cream recipes for you to try!
To get started, take a few moments to gather your ice cream making supplies:
- Blender
- Favorite recipe (choose any recipe you want)
- 1 (14oz) can sweetened condensed milk
- 2 cups heavy cream
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
- Freezer safe ice cream container
- Ice cream scoop
- Ice cream toppings
1. Prepare your blender
Ensure that your blender is clean and ready to go. It would be a real shame for the residue from your last garlic hummus to still be lingering around the blending jar. Additionally, ensure that there is no leftover water or soap hanging around the blades.
2. Prepare your workspace
Pause for a moment to clear some space on your countertop and sink. Simultaneously, measure and arrange the ice cream ingredients. This step is important as it's a real bummer to search for ingredients once you are mid-blend.
Don't forget to also ready the freezer safe storage container. Remove the lid and set it nearby so that it's ready to receive the ice cream mixture. Lastly, make sure that you've got some space in your freezer to store the prepared ice cream mixture.
3. Blend the ingredients
Toss all of the ice cream ingredients into the blender and blend until well combined. Be careful not to over blend as the friction from the blender blades can cause the ice cream mixture to become warm.
If you have chosen another recipe other than basic vanilla, take note of any other specific blending instructions that you may need to follow.
4. Transfer the ice cream
Pour the ice cream mixture into the freezer safe storage container. Using a spatula, smooth the ice cream until it is level in the container.
Alternatively, gently wiggle the storage container until the ice cream mixture levels out. You may need to repeat this step a few times to ensure that any air bubbles have surfaced from the mixture.
Finally, secure the lid tightly and place in the freezer.
5. Chill out
Freeze the mixture for at least four hours or until completely frozen solid. If you prefer a soft serve mixture, remove the ice cream after a few hours.
Making homemade ice cream in a blender is quick, simple, and tons of fun. The variety of possible flavor and topping combinations is nearly endless. Better yet, it makes for an impressive dessert at a birthday or dinner party - no churn required!
If you've tried your hand at blender ice cream, we would love to hear about it. Drop us comment and let us know about the occasion, flavor, and blender that you used to make your decadent dessert. Happy blending!