When it's smoothie time, no dairy, no problem. In fact, we've got good news. Making a smoothie without yogurt isn't as hard as you think thanks to a wide variety of creative substitutes.
When you are livin' the dairy-free life, it helps to equip yourself with as many alternatives as possible. After all, things can get boring quite quickly as you rotate through the same old, same old.
We've highlighted the best yogurt alternatives to help keep your smoothies interesting and your belly completely satisfied. So go ahead, break out that blender and let's begin!

Top Yogurt Substitute for Smoothies
If you are new to the world of smoothies, we would like to first say, welcome. We think you'll like it here over on the good side of the kitchen. Now, with introductions out of the way, let's move on to some tips and tricks when it comes to keeping your smoothies silky smooth and creatively creamy.
Smoothies often get their creamy consistency due to added milk or yogurt. In our kitchen, we've come up with these delicious alternatives that will satisfy even the toughest dairy critic.

Coconut Cream
Take your smoothies for a tropical experience with this luxurious yogurt alternative. This delicious cream is packed with flavor courtesy of the coconut fruit. When shopping, be sure to buy full fat, coconut cream rather than coconut milk if you want the full flavor experience.
Because it tastes a bit sweeter than standard yogurt, we recommend adding in a little bit of coconut cream at a time to your smoothie until you reach your desired consistency. Additionally, too much cream, flavor wise, will likely send you to colada land which is awesome if that's what you're going for, but maybe not so awesome in a carrot kale smoothie.

We like to think of bananas as the smoothie all-stars. They are cheap, easy to manage, and provide flavor packed goodness to almost any smoothie. In fact, we use them as a base in pretty much every smoothie we make.
If you prefer a frosty flavor, try peeling and freezing your bananas overnight. Alternatively, fresh bananas add a just-in-time creaminess to any recipe and provide a great solution to any smoothie without yogurt.

Nut Butter
Almost any nut butter, whether peanut, cashew, or almond, will taste great in a smoothie. Additionally, nut butters ramp up the flavor and give you the benefit of adding some healthy fats to your diet. They even make for awesome 'nice cream milkshakes' when coupled with frozen bananas.
If you're in a bad way for a creamy smoothie, try adding a few spoonfuls to your next blend.

Sweet Potato
A slightly unconventional substitute, but still fully worthy, pureed sweet potatoes can add both sweetness and creaminess to any smoothie. Cube and freeze ahead of time in small chunks or toss freshly baked potato into a ready blender.
Admittedly, we feel that sweet potato pairs best with cinnamon or apple inspired drinks in order to keep that warm, friendly feel. However, sweet potato puree also pairs well with vanilla and almond if you are looking to make a star out of creamy potato flavor.

Just when you thought that avocados were only good for guac, this creamy yogurt alternative is here to change your mind. We like it best paired with protein powder, greens, or vanilla in order to mask the flavor a bit. After all, drinking straight avocado through a straw still feels a bit weird.
If you want to punch things up a bit, try it with cacao powder or a tangy fruit like watermelon or mango for a zesty result.

Nut Milk
Perhaps the easiest and most similar like-for-like yogurt swap is nut milk. Whether you favor oat, almond, cashew, or even soy (from the bean family), any of these handy milk alternatives can save just about any smoothie from being bland.
For best results, check your recipe to see if exact milk alternative measurements have been listed. If you prefer to just wing it, start by adding in a little bit of milk at a time mid-blend until you are satisfied with your smoothie.

Protein Powder
While this isn't exactly a creamy fruit or liquid, protein powder can serve many purposes in a smoothie. Namely, the flavor added by a concentrated powder can often make up for anything missing due to the lack of yogurt.
Remember, though, that you will likely need to add a little bit more liquid than normal such as water or nut milk to help your blender smooth everything together effectively.
Making a perfect smoothie without yogurt is as easy as subbing in one of our inventive alternatives. As always, don't forget to monitor your blend and add any necessary liquid like water or nut milk to help keep things moving along in the container.
Dairy-free is now worry-free when it comes to preparing a great smoothie. Drop us comment with your favorite substitutions. We just might include them on our list! Happy blending!